I've been looking at catalogs of camping gear lately. I got the
idea that I would look for the minimum set of equipment and
supplies that would allow one to be comfortable. Of course,
you don't want to be out there and have your equipment fail
so you would want to select the best-of-breed for each item.
Of course.
So let's see... you would want the Gortex Jacket, the titanium
cookware, the polycarbonate water bottle (all the space age
materials!). Then there is the tent, sleeping bag, pad, boots,
microfiber underwear, moisture wicking socks, pack, camp
stove, head light, multi tool, lantern, etc etc...
I started to add up the prices and determined that you would
have to be rich to go out in the woods and be homeless!
That obervation aside I don't want to leave this entry on that
note. Winter is upon us here in Chicago and this time of year
I always wonder how they do it. They being the countless
homeless in the parks and under the viaducts. And they do it
on a long-term basis without any of this equipement.